As an Operation Manager at a concrete restroom manufacturing company I deal with distribution and logistics daily. The company uses a Business-to-Business distribution channel when ordering our materials for the manufacturing process. The majority of the materials the company buys have been produced by the original manufacture and then shipped to a local store. The company I work for then has a weekly inventory pick-up where we purchase the processed parts and materials from the local stores. Some of our materials such as concrete are bought right from the original manufacture.
On the other hand once the materials are used to manufacture our concrete restrooms and there is a final product it must be deliver to the customer. All of our products are too big and heavy to be shipped any other way besides semi trucks. When running logistics it is important to make sure that we setup a date that the customer would like the product. Once that date is set the company has to make sure that there will be a crane on the job site to off load the restroom and a semi truck to take the product from our company’s manufacturing site to the customer’s job site.
The concrete restroom business requires a Business-to-Business Channel of Distribution for the manufacturing process but it also requires a Typical Consumer Channel of Distribution to ship the products to our customers.